- The parents are watching: Midwifery students’ perceptions of how workplace bullying impacts mothers and babies
- Australian midwifery student's perceptions of the benefits and challenges associated with completing a portfolio of evidence for initial registration: Paper based and ePortfolios
- Individual and environmental factors that influence longevity of newcomers to nursing and midwifery: a scoping review protocol
- Online learning and teaching approaches used in midwifery programs: A scoping review
- Benefits of continuity models of care in building mutual support and nurturing between women and midwifery students. Does continuity of care foster clinical confidence, emotional resilience and influence career goals?
- Workplace violence in the Australian and New Zealand midwifery workforce: A scoping review
- From the Ground Up: Improving Pregnancy and Birth Experiences Through the Provision of Extraordinary Learning Opportunities in Australia
- Informed Is Best
- Looking back, looking forward: a comparison of midwifery students’ experiences of completing portfolios of evidence for ANMAC as paper-based or electronic portfolio
- Midwifery student's perceptions of completing a portfolio of evidence for initial registration: A qualitative exploratory study
- Being bullied as a midwifery student: does age matter?
- Midwifery Education: Understanding the impact of colonisation on the wellbeing of the First People of Australia
- Thinking outside the fence: meaningful midwifery education. “Working together to improve pregnancy and birth experiences for women and provide extraordinary learning opportunities for midwifery students”
- Continuity of care challenging entrenched views of cultural difference
- Social culture and the bullying of midwifery students whilst on clinical placement: A qualitative descriptive exploration
- A qualitative descriptive inquiry into factors influencing early weaning and breastfeeding duration among first-time mothers in Papua New Guinea’s rural eastern highlands
- Promoting nurses' and midwives' ethical responsibilities towards vulnerable people: An alignment of research and clinical practice
- Transitioning across professional boundaries in midwifery models of care: A literature review
- Pregnant in prison: An integrative literature review
- Midwifery students’ experiences of bullying and workplace violence: A systematic review
- Midwifery students’ perceptions of the modifiable organisational factors that foster bullying behaviours whilst on clinical placement. A qualitative descriptive study
- The impact of social media influencers on pregnancy, birth, and early parenting experiences: A systematic review.
- Optimising mother-baby outcomes of pregnancy and childbirth in prison requires both individual and systems review
- Midwifery care and social media
- How is cultural safety understood and translated into midwifery practice? A scoping review and thematic analysis
- How do new midwives' early workforce experiences influence their career plans? An integrative review of the literature
- How is cultural safety translated into midwifery practice? A review of the literature
- Bullying in the Australian and New Zealand Midwifery Workforce: A Scoping Review
- Social media influencers' impact during pregnancy and parenting: A qualitative descriptive study
- Individual and environmental factors that influence longevity of newcomers to nursing and midwifery: a scoping review
- Evaluating women’s experiences of labour pain: beyond a generic pain scale
- How are the Dietary Needs of Pregnant Incarcerated Women Being Met? A Scoping Review and Thematic Analysis
- Health professionals' experiences of whistleblowing in maternal and newborn healthcare settings: A scoping review and thematic analysis
- Financial hardship and Australian midwifery students: A scoping review and thematic analysis
- Supporting Timor-Leste midwives and nurses through an educational program: An evaluative study
- The midwifery capabilities theory: How midwives enact woman‐centered care to address systemic inequity
- My ‘normal’ isn't your normal...What is maternal wellbeing? A scoping review
- How do midwives learn about, understand, and integrate Cultural Safety into their care of First Nations women and families? A qualitative exploration