"Presence of high levels of Cd in soils results in accumulation of Cd in the food crops. Consumption of CD rich food items can induce cancer as well as causing health impacts in humans. Accumulation of Cd in the soils and plants can also cause other environmental impacts. One way to minimise these adverse impacts would be to remove Cd from contaminated soils by chemical or biological means.... Techniques such as phytoremediation may be used to remove Cd from contaminated soils economically.... The aim of this study was to select genotypes of tomato that would grow well in media containing high concentrations of Cd and accumulate high concentrations of Cd in their shoot tissues, so that they may be used in phytoremediation of Cd contaminated sites"--Abstract.
Central Queensland University
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Associate Professor Nanjappa Ashwath ; Dr Phul Prasad Subedi