
Influences on the adoption rate of on-farm technology and innovation

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posted on 2022-07-20, 04:05 authored by Cheryl Elizabeth Pope

 This research project examines the influences on the adoption rate of on -farm technology and innovation and investigates the particular case of adoption of breeding and selection techniques in the Australian Merino sheep industry. There is a significant body of economic evidence that indicates that the uptake of technology is essential for international competitiveness, growth in productivity and survival of individual sheep enterprises. There is also evidence that some producers are adopting new technologies and achieving substantial increases in productivity and profitability while at an industry level productivity improvements lag behind declines in terms of trade. 

This study uses an integrated model. Existing material was gathered from evaluation and review of the national sheep extension program - Merino Breeding and Selection, to which some case study material from workshop participants was added. Common themes linking the practice of technology adoption with theoretical understanding were synthesised. 

The paradigms driving agricultural extension have changed. Successful programs have replaced paternalistic approaches with collaborative, multidisciplinary and flexible models. Evaluation of extension effectiveness requires a multi- level approach and the policy stance of service providers needs to reflect practices that have been proven in theory and practice. 

Currently government extension revolves around groups, and single issues as a method to maximize the number of people reached. More effective extension is likely to recognize whole of enterprise effects and have the flexibility to evolve in response to stakeholder and research inputs. Extension services will be delivered by professionals with skills embracing concepts from science and the social sciences.  


Number of Pages



Central Queensland University

Place of Publication

Rockhampton, Qld.

Open Access

  • Yes

Era Eligible

  • No

Thesis Type

  • Master's by Coursework Thesis

Thesis Format

  • With publication