Evaluation of macro-tidal shoreline change by implementation of Crenulate Shaped Bay Theory: A numerical approach
The coastline is influenced by wave action and is vulnerable to change in shape due to erosion or accretion. These changes occur largely as a result of longshore transport.
To predict such shoreline change there exist several different approaches, among which is the Crenulate Shaped Bay Method, researched by a team lead by Silvester, and sometimes known as Silvesters' method. In the frame of this project, after a short review of other approaches, this method was given deeper analysis.
From the analysis undertaken and the knowledge gained, several numerical models have been developed by the author, namely INTANG, NUMANG and EXISTP, to allow the Crenulate Shaped Bay Method to be applied to various Macro -Tidal beach conditions. Great detail has been undertaken in the development of the model INTANG which provides the user with a tool which interacts with the AutoCad environment.
Start Page
1End Page
189Number of Pages
Central Queensland UniversityOpen Access
- Yes
Era Eligible
- No
Dr Jurek PiorewiczThesis Type
- Master's by Research Thesis
Thesis Format
- By publication