"This thesis explores discursively constructed knowledge and beliefs about literacy of a small group of secondary pre-service teachers who had undertaken a university literacy course entitled EDED 20458 Literacy and Numeracy. Their knowledge and beliefs about literacy include: their attitudes to the concept of literacy across the curriculum, their perceptions about the role as literacy teachers while teaching their subject areas during the practicum; their responsibility for the subject to be taught and their literacy teaching practices. Through the interpretation of their knowledge and beliefs about literacy and their experiences of the literacy course (EDED 20458), the study investigates the impact of this literacy course and other lived experiences on their formation and transformation of literacy knowledge and beliefs"--Abstract.
Central Queensland University
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Open Access
External Author Affiliations
Faculty of Arts, Business, Informatics and Education;
Era Eligible
Associate Professor Roberta (Bobby) Harreveld ; Dr Julie Willans