Assessment of the effects of atrazine on the cane toad Rhinella marina and the striped marsh frog Limnodynastes peronii
posted on 2017-12-06, 00:00authored byK Siddiqua
Atrazine is one of the most widely applied herbicides and is commonly detected in
surface and groundwater samples around Australia. Reproductive and developmental
abnormalities in amphibians have reportedly been linked to atrazine exposure.
However, the use of Australian native frogs in understanding these effects is limited.
This study investigated the effects of atrazine alone and also in combination with a
common secondary stressor, elevated salinity, to an Australian non-native anuran
species, the cane toad, Rhinella marina and a native species, the striped marsh frog,
Limnodynastes peronii, at both acute and chronic level. This study also explored the
longer-term effects of atrazine to the cane toad to determine the impacts on its
development and reproduction.
Variations in larval sensitivities to acute concentrations of atrazine were first
determined at different larval developmental stages in both R. marina and L. peronii.
The static acute test design involved six nominal concentrations of atrazine, including
control, solvent control, 3, 6, 12, and 24 mg/L. Gosner stages (GS) 22–23 as
hatchlings, GS 25–26, 28–29, 32–33 as pre-metamorphic, GS 36–37 as prometamorphic
and GS 40–41 as metamorphic climax stages of cane toads and the first
four sets of Gosner stages (GS 22–33) of striped marsh frogs were exposed to atrazine
treatments for 96 hours. Results showed that late larval stages were more sensitive
than early stages and significant differences (P ˂ 0.05) occurred in sensitivities across
different pre-metamorphic larval stages in both test species. The striped marsh frog
showed greater sensitivity to atrazine than the introduced cane toad. In both
experimental species, GS 28–29 showed the best response regarding the
concentration-dependent increase in sensitivities to atrazine compared to other larval
To determine the chronic effects of atrazine, GS 28–29 of both test species were
exposed to five nominal concentrations of atrazine, including control, solvent control,
0.1, 1.0 and 10 µg/L for 21 days. Results revealed no significant effects from atrazine
exposure to survivorship, snout vent length, body weight and development among
treatments in both species. Only a small percentage of exposed animals exhibited
kinky tail and gonadal anomalies in L. peronii and a low percentage of atrazineexposed
cane toads showed both limb and tail anomalies. Interestingly, both species
had a female biased sex ratio in all treatments. No significant effect of atrazine on
gross and histological morphology of thyroid glands in R. marina was noted; however,
no thyroid analysis was performed on L. peronii.
In order to evaluate the longer-term effects of atrazine on cane toad reproduction, GS
29–31 of R. marina was exposed to four concentrations of atrazine, including solvent
control, 0.1, 4 and 11 µg/L until completion of metamorphosis. The metamorphs
obtained from atrazine exposure were reared until their sexual maturity without further
atrazine exposure. A number of attempts at breeding, including natural breeding,
injecting with Luteinizing Hormone Releasing Hormone (LHRH) and lucrin (synthetic
LHRH) were performed; however, no offspring were obtained. Morphological
abnormalities, survival, fecundity, erythrocytic nuclear abnormalities, and gonadal and
liver histology were analysed to evaluate the potential effects of atrazine on
subsequent generations and also to examine the possible reason for the unsuccessful
breeding. Results indicated that a concentration of 0.1 µg/L caused significant
mortality, and 4 µg/L produced the highest incidence of limb abnormalities and also
decreased the hepato-somatic index during post-exposure period. No significant
erythrocytic nuclear abnormalities or liver malformations were detected; however,
gonadal histology showed a relatively high percentage of animals containing gonadal
anomalies in all atrazine-treated males, except at 0.1 µg/L.
To explore the combined effects of atrazine and a common secondary stressor, both R.
marina and L. peronii were exposed to mixtures of atrazine and increased salinity. At
acute exposure, GS 25–26 of both test species were exposed to salinity alone (0 to 8%
sea water) and also in combination with atrazine (0 to 24 mg/L) for 96 hours. Results
revealed no acute effects of elevated salinity on either test species; however, cane toad
tadpoles demonstrated greater sensitivity to the mixture of atrazine and salinity than
atrazine alone, while L. peronii indicated no differences in sensitivity. For chronic
exposure, GS 28–29 of both R. marina and L. peronii were firstly exposed to a range
of salinity (0 to 8% sea water) alone for 21 days. Results showed that 2% to 8% sea
water caused significant effects on growth and development in L. peronii, but not in R.
marina. Secondly, five treatments including control, solvent control, 0.1, 1 and 10
µg/L of atrazine each mixed with 8% sea water were used to expose the GS 28–29 for
21 days. Significant effects were obtained on the growth and duration of
metamorphosis in L. peronii from mixture treatments, but not in R. marina.
Overall, it can be concluded that inter- and intra-species variations in sensitivities to
atrazine may occur in anurans residing in Australia and native species may exhibit
greater sensitivity to atrazine than the introduced cane toad. Interestingly, although
low concentrations of atrazine may not cause any noteworthy adverse effects on the
developing R. marina and L. peronii during the larval exposure period; however, the
longer-term study with R. marina showed that deleterious impacts may occur during
the post-exposure period, which may cause adverse effects on the fitness and
reproduction of R. marina. This may ultimately affect the population of this species.
Longer-term testing with native species is required to determine the potential effects of
atrazine on these populations. From the mixture of atrazine and salinity studies, it can
be suggested that elevated salinity may pose serious hazards to Australian native
anurans. The similar responses obtained from chronic exposure to atrazine in both R.
marina and L. peronii may raise the possibility of the cane toad as an indicator for
native anurans; nevertheless, further studies are required to establish this.