Thesis_Rodero_Angel.pdf (7.63 MB)

An alarm diagnosis expert system

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Version 2 2022-05-22, 22:27
Version 1 2017-12-06, 12:14
posted on 2022-05-22, 22:27 authored by A Rodero
Project aims to create a software package that allows non-specialised personnel to implement a Knowledge (Rule)base from very specific information supplied by experts in the field.. The aim of the project was to create a software package that would allow non-specialised personnel to implement a Knowledge (Rule)base from very specific information supplied by experts in the field. The expert system was developed for a specific area of the plant due to excessive time that would have been required to develop a complete system. The value or usefulness of any Expert System is determined by how well it fulfils the tasks that it was designed to accomplish. In order to achieve these goals a two-fold co-ordinated approach was developed and implemented. Firstly the architecture was designed to allow a solid and problem free growth of the knowledge (Rule)base. This design involved consideration of core issues, such as the suitability of the chosen software environment, clear and realistic performance objectives, and adequate hardware amongst others. The second point of consideration was, to produce a development environment that would smnplify the process of modifications to the knowledge (Rule)base withoult direct involvement by the expert system developer.


Number of Pages



Central Queensland University

Open Access

  • No

External Author Affiliations

James Goldston Faculty of Engineering and Physical Systems;

Era Eligible

  • No


B J Seshaprasas

Thesis Type

  • Master's by Research Thesis