A model for optimization of scheduling problems within structural complexity approach
This thesis describes an intelligent software system that has been developed within the joint CQU-Mackay Taxi Holdings research and development program. It is based on Korotkikh structural complexity approach [12]-[15] and is capable of solving a new type of scheduling problems arising in innovative transport services and technologies introduced by Maxwell McBride [32].
This type of problems is formulated by Victor Korotkikh and is called Mackay Transit Problem (MTP). MTP may be described as follows: "Find a minimum set of share -a -ride routes assigned to vehicles of different seating capacity that would serve all requested travels from any locations to any locations within a time limit and distance cost".
The intelligent software system realizes Korotkikh structural complexity approach, which models complex systems in terms of hierarchical formations of integer relations [12]. In particular, the system operates according to the approach, which suggests that the optimal functioning of a complex system can be efficiently obtained by the control of the structural complexity of the system and that the control admits realization in terms of perception -based information [12]-[16].
The intelligent software system has been successfully tested to satisfy management requirements at Mackay Taxi Holdings. The results provide a model for solving other combinatorial optimization problems and recommend developing intelligent software systems by using the structural complexity approach.
Number of Pages
Central Queensland UniversityPlace of Publication
Rockhampton, Qld.Open Access
- Yes
Era Eligible
- No
Associate Professor Victor KorotkikhThesis Type
- Master's by Research Thesis
Thesis Format
- Traditional