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The financial competence of low income households in Fiji : a report prepared for the Pacific Financial Inclusion Programme

posted on 2017-12-06, 00:00 authored by Jonathan Sibley
This study of the financial competence of low income households in Fiji provides an important baseline against which progress in improving the financial behaviour of financial decision makers in low-income households in Fiji can be measured. In addition, outcomes from initiatives to increase participation in the formal financial system can also be measured against the baseline. The objective of the study has been to measure the level of financial competence of low income households in Fiji. This report both establishes the baseline and discusses key aspects of the financial behaviour of low income households in Fiji relative to the baseline. The study has sought to develop an understanding of how low income households in Fiji manage their household finances and engage with the formal and informal financial systems. The study builds on an earlier study of financial competence in rural Fiji.





United Nations Development Programme

Place of Publication

Suva, Fiji

Open Access

  • No

External Author Affiliations

Institute for Resource Industries and Sustainability (IRIS);

Era Eligible

  • No