
The Phenomena of staff resistance in organizations during the implementation of an information system

posted on 2017-12-06, 00:00 authored by Marilyn WellsMarilyn Wells, Marilyn Fisher
The literature on implementations of information systems identifies staff resistance to change through lack of appropriate communication as a major factor that can impact negatively on the process and outcomes of information system implementation. If miscommunications about the changes associated with an implementation are not addressed, they may fuel negative perceptions about the new system and result in staff displaying behaviors that are resistant to the use of the new system. Case study methodology is used to study the phenomena of staff resistance in two organizations implementing information systems. In both these case studies it has been shown that the negative perceptions of the changes accompanying the information system implementation can emerge as resistant behaviors that impact on the course and result of the project. This paper will explore resistant behaviors displayed by staff to change through an examination of two case studies in two different organizations.


Category 1 - Australian Competitive Grants (this includes ARC, NHMRC)



Central Queensland University

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Open Access

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External Author Affiliations

Faculty of Business and Informatics;

Era Eligible

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