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Pre-construction pest and weed survey: Spring 2020.: Final report to Gladstone Ports Corporation Limited

posted on 2024-09-30, 23:32 authored by Amie AnastasiAmie Anastasi, S Giudice, Lorelle Campbell, Leif BlackLeif Black, Rory MulloyRory Mulloy, Brendan Fletcher, Darren Hodges, Jacob Williams, Emma JacksonEmma Jackson
Gladstone Ports Corporation Limited (GPC) is currently progressing the Port of Gladstone Gatcombe and Golding Cutting Channel Duplication Project (CD Project) beyond the Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) phase. As part of these works, GPC has initiated commencement of engineering design, post-EIS studies and associated regulatory approvals for the Western Basin Expansion (WBE) reclamation area (southern area) and barge unloading facility (BUF) components of the CD Project. A pre-construction pest and weed survey was carried out in areas adjacent to the direct impact area of the Western Basin Expansion (WBE) reclamation area (southern area) of the Channel Duplication (CD) project. This included the intertidal area adjacent to the direct impact area of WBE reclamation area and extended to 100 m within the patches of terrestrial vegetation intersected by the survey area. Additionally, the survey also extended to the road corridor of the roads and access roads identified as the Project haul road. Few animal pest species in the survey areas. Rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus), pigs (Sus scrofa), cane toads (Rhinella marina), foxes (Vulpes vulpes), and dogs (Canis familiaris) were observed, either directly, or indirectly.


Category 3 - Industry and Other Research Income


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Coastal Marine Ecosystems Research Centre, CQUniversity Australia, Queensland.

Open Access

  • No

Era Eligible

  • Yes

Report Number
