This report is the fourth in a series of reports on the socio-economic impacts of the mines and subsequent development pressures on Moranbah and Mackay. The study has been conducted by Central Queensland University and has been funded by the Queensland Department of Communities. The first report contains demographic and statistical data on Moranbah and Mackay, the second report details the results of a Moranbah household survey and Report three presents the Moranbah stakeholder analysis. The results of this fourth report should be interpreted in the light of the other reports in this research project. This report provides an analysis of a survey undertaken among business representatives in Moranbah and presents the economic impacts of the mines on the town. In order to fully identify the multiplier impacts of increased spending in the Moranbah region, it is necessary to identify the proportion of local consumption expenditure that becomes local income. In other words, this means identifying the proportion of business expenses that are sourced locally (e.g. for labour or supplies), compared to being supplied from outside the region. To identify this proportion, a number of businesses in Moranbah were asked about where they sourced their business inputs. They were further asked about changes in turnover and profitability, and extended business opening hours.
Centre for Environmental Management, Central Queensland University