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Final report: Evaluation of the BreastScreen remote radiology assessment model of service delivery

posted on 2020-07-02, 00:00 authored by S Larkins, K Johnston, D Lindsay, D Smith, N Bates, E Callander, K Carlisle, R Evans, Robyn PrestonRobyn Preston, S Sabesan
Breast cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer among Australian women. All women between 50 and 74 are offered a 2-yearly mammogram through BreastScreen with follow up assessment visits as required. One issue in providing this service to all eligible women in Australia is workforce shortages, particularly in terms of specialist radiologists. BreastScreen has addressed the challenge of inadequate access to local radiological workforce through a trial of the remote radiology assessment model for service delivery. The remote radiology assessment model has been implemented in a staggered start approach at seven sites across Queensland (Townsville, Rockhampton and Wide Bay assessment services), Northern Territory (Darwin assessment service) and New South Wales (Greater Southern New South Wales assessment service which includes sites at Albury, Wagga Wagga and Queanbeyan). The BreastScreen Townsville assessment service piloted the model from 2014 and the other services implemented the model from 2016 onwards, with a formal trial period beginning in 2017 and ending in May 2019. This innovation addresses workforce challenges for regional, rural and remote services, and implementation has been careful with thorough clinical governance procedures. However, there is a need for this formal, external evaluation to ensure that the service delivery model is safe, effective and appropriate for consumers.


Category 3 - Industry and Other Research Income


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James Cook University

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Peer Reviewed

  • Yes

Open Access

  • No

Era Eligible

  • Yes