
Evidence-based review of Queensland Police Service’s domestic and family violence training

The research outlined in this report was conducted to comprehensively review the DFV training provided by the Queensland Police Service (QPS). This review was conducted in order to provide training recommendations that will ultimately enhance the further development of the QPS in their critical role as first responders to DFV in the community, and contribute to more effective action for victims and perpetrators of DFV. The review also assists the QPS to address Recommendation 138 of the Not Now, Not Ever report (Premier's Special Taskforce on Domestic and Family Violence in Queensland, 2015), which outlined the need for the QPS to facilitate an independent and external review of DFV training provided to officers. The specific components highlighted were the understanding of the dynamics of DFV, communication skills and cultural awareness and sensitivities


Category 2 - Other Public Sector Grants Category


Start Page


End Page


Number of Pages



QCDFVR, CQUniversity

Place of Publication

Mackay, Qld

Open Access

  • No

Author Research Institute

  • Queensland Centre for Domestic and Family Violence

Era Eligible

  • Yes