
Contributions to the zero draft of the post-2015 framework for disaster risk reduction

posted on 2017-12-06, 00:00 authored by Kevin Ronan, E Alisic
Overall comments (gaps, elements to strengthen, etc.) Overall, the document has many strengths and moves beyond HFA in terms of promoting an increased emphasis on the role of the nexus between DRR policy development, practices and research. A focus on underlying drivers of risk and a focus on vulnerable groups is also welcome. In particular, making prominent a role for children, first in terms of vulnerability and the need for protection (e.g., children represent 30-50% of disaster-related deaths; most vulnerable group in psychosocial terms). At the same time, it should also reflect an emphasis on the role of child participation in community DRR efforts. Much published Child Centred-DRR (CC-DRR) research over the HFA has provided strong support for children and youth and their role as community DRR “motivational reservoirs” (e.g., enhancing their and their family’s DRR awareness, knowledge and preparedness). In addition, given the post-2015 Framework is intended to go over 2 decades, educating children and youth in DRR and involving them in increasing their knowledge about DRR-related problems, while participating actively in improving their own and their community’s resilience to disasters, will render benefits that can reduce current, future risk and promote generational change.


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External Author Affiliations

Monash University; School of Human, Health and Social Sciences (2013- ); TBA Research Institute;

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