New and distinct characteristics of wind properties in different locations were discovered during the analyses of wind data available from the Wind Energy Resource Mapping project for Bangladesh. Several research has been carried out with these data and from their results, some irregularities (due to the country’s extreme features, such as the longest land-sea interface, the highest population density, highly humid climate etc.) of earlier research could now be understandable. While searching for prospective windy sites of Bangladesh, it has been found that Sitakunda, a windy coastal location of the country have some notable wind speed characteristics. First of all, wind data of different coastal locations were analyzed to determine various statistical parameters like frequency distribution, duration distribution, and cumulative distribution. During these analyses, an unusual wind characteristic at Sitakunda on September 2006 was observed. This is in line with the occurrence of a severe windstorm in that locality during that time. Wind behavior was further studied by determining Weibull parameters. The value of Weibull shape factor (k) and Weibull scale factor (c) have been calculated by 3 different methods to investigate correlations to predict the occurrence of unusual gusts. It is observed that the occurrence of such an unusual wind pattern could clearly be predicted in advance by studying the trend of variations of Weibull distribution of these 3 methods.
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Peer Reviewed
Open Access
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Bangladesh University of Engineering & Technology (BUET)
Era Eligible
International Journal of Advanced Renewable Energy Research