Effective teamwork is an important component of emergency management. However, from time-to-time teamwork may break down,
particularly in a complex system like emergency management. It is important that people who have operational oversight of teams are able to detect if a team has a problem and can help the team modify its functioning. A literature review identified methods of monitoring teams from the position of operational oversight. Based on this review two methods of team monitoring were chosen for further evaluation. A preliminary evaluation study of each tool during a simulated emergency
exercise suggests they both have potential. This is the first stage of an ongoing research program where team monitoring tools will be further developed using iterative design cycles of development and evaluation. In
this way methods of monitoring teams from the position of operational oversight that are effective in an emergency management context can be
CC BY-NC 4.0 The Australian Journal of Emergency Management by AIDR is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.
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Open Access
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External Author Affiliations
University of Tasmania;Bushfire and Natural Hazards CRC