The coronavirus pandemic has led to public and private outpourings of appreciation for nurses and doctors. In the UK, for instance, the Clap for Carers tribute, which started as an online campaign and resulted in public noisemaking for ten evenings from late March through to late May 2020, was a sustained acknowledgement of the valued work that nurses and doctors are doing. Many politicians, royal figures, celebrities and social media influencers supported the campaign. What began as recognition of NHS staff soon extended to all key workers, not only those involved in healthcare, but workers in many fields, helping society during such dangerous times. Rapidly, this gratitude ritual went global, with public applause taking place in China, Italy, France, Turkey, the USA, India and elsewhere (BBC News, 2020).
In this WHO International Year of the Nurse and Midwife, it would seem that nurses are finally getting the recognition they deserve. Even doctors have volubly expressed the bravery and dedication of nurses. ‘Nurses are the real heroes’, said Kolovani, an Albanian doctor working with patients with Covid-19.