The purpose of this article is to illustrate the congruency between the work of philosopher Martin Heidegger and psychologist Carl Jung. Specifically, this article will focus on providing a phenomenological description of Jung's complex theory with the use of Heidegger's ontology. In addition, this article will demonstrate how a Daseinsanalytic description of narcissism is significantly elucidating when read with a phenomenological understanding of complexes. In particular, this article argues that the meaning of a complex is phenomenologically disclosed when Dasein's world is conspicuously experienced as unready to hand and “not-being-at-home”. In the experience of a complex, angst, conscience and guilt are saliently disclosed in a moment of conspicuous obstructiveness and obstinacy, which results in the ready to- hand losing its readiness-to-hand in a certain way. The authentic and inauthentic understanding of the meaning of complexes as a consequence of this moment will be described and related to Jung's psychoanalysis.