Aim(s) This study sought to explore the job satisfaction level of migrant nurses
working in a multicultural society and, more specifically, the relationship between
their job satisfaction levels, work environment, their intentions to leave and the
predictors of their intentions to leave.
Background Nursing shortages have led to the increasing trend of employing
migrant nurses, which necessitated studies examining nurses’ migration.
Evaluation A cross-sectional, correlational design using a stratified random
sample was conducted on 495 migrant nurses working in a tertiary public-funded
hospital in Singapore.
Results The results showed that migrant nurses were satisfied with their jobs;
with job satisfaction negatively correlated with work environment. Interestingly,
pre-existing groups of Chinese migrant nurses did not help newly arrived Chinese
migrant nurses to assimilate better. Predictors of migrant nurses’ intentions to
leave included having supportive nurse managers and nursing practice
Conclusions The presence of a supportive work environment is essential to retain
migrant nurses.
Implications for nursing management Health administrators need to empower
nursing managers with skills to implement career development plans as part of
hospitals’ retention strategies for migrant nurses. Information should also be provided
during recruitment campaigns to enable migrant nurses to make informed choices.