It's more than just academic essays and rules of mathematics : travelling the road with heroes on the STEPS journey as they convert the milestones of their learning journey into signposts for their future
STEPS (Skills for Tertiary Education Preparatory Studies) is a pre-undergraduate university preparatory program, designed to give mature age learners the qualifications and confidence to embark on tertiary studies. However, it is not exclusively focused on the acquisition of knowledge and skills necessary to ensure a pathway to higher education. The program is very much premised on the philosophical principles of Vogler's (1996) adaptation of Campbell's 'Hero's Journey' (1993) taking the STEPS learners on a journey of self discovery and consciousness raising. A thorough understanding of the 12 stages of the Hero's Journey aspires to assist learners to both understand and cope with the great challenges and changes that many experience as they leave the comfort zones of their ordinary worlds to embark on an unknown journey. In understanding that change is an inevitable part of life, many learners identify and appraise milestones throughout their journey, coming to appreciate them as signposts to future destinations. Stories of STEPS learners attest to the trials and tribulations as they undertake their personal journeys of transformation. Many convey that the self-confidence and belief in their own abilities acquired along the way, combined with their transformed worldviews, facilitates their successful completion of their Hero's Journey.
Category 1 - Australian Competitive Grants (this includes ARC, NHMRC)