
International construction joint ventures between Singapore and developing countries: Risk assessment and allocation preferences

journal contribution
posted on 2018-04-27, 00:00 authored by B-G Hwang, Xianbo ZhaoXianbo Zhao, EWY Chin
Purpose – The purposes of this paper is twofold: first, to assess the risks associated with the international construction joint ventures (ICJVs) between Singapore and developing countries and second, to investigate the risk allocation preferences in these ICJVs. Design/methodology/approach – A questionnaire survey was conducted and responses were received from 38 firms that had participated in ICJVs with developing countries. A risk criticality (RC ) index was adopted to evaluate the criticality of each risk. Findings – The survey results reported “political instability” as the most critical risk and market-level risks were less critical than country and project-level risks. Additionally, the results showed agreement on the risk ranking between building and infrastructure ICJVs, despite significant differences in the criticalities of five risks. Furthermore, five risks were preferably allocated to host and foreign partners, respectively, while 13 risks could be shared among partners. Research limitations/implications – First, due to the sample size, one should be cautious when interpreting and generalizing the results. Second, the RC index proposed in this study was subjective as it was influenced by the individual experience and risk attitude of the respondents. Also, the RC values were calculated without considering the weights of the respondents. Lastly, the questionnaire survey, which has been widely used in identifying risk allocation preferences, may not identify the insights of practitioners into the risk allocation practices. Practical implications – This study provides a clear understanding of the risks associated with forming ICJVs with developing countries and the preferred risk allocation. Although, this study is focused on the risks faced by the Singapore-developing country ICJVs, the identification of the potential risks allows companies from other countries to customize their risk profile and assess the risks before they form ICJVs with developing countries. Originality/value – As few studies have explored the risk allocation preferences in ICJVs, this study expands the literature and provides practitioners with important information for preparing joint venture contracts or agreements. Thus, this study can contribute to the literature relating to ICJVs.






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Emerald Publishing Limited

Peer Reviewed

  • Yes

Open Access

  • No

Acceptance Date


External Author Affiliations

National University of Singapore; Land Transport Authority, Singapore

Era Eligible

  • Yes


Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management