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Determining and quantifying components of an aquaculture soundscape
journal contribution
posted on 2021-08-03, 02:17 authored by Andrea Craven, Alexander CartonAlexander Carton, Craig R McPherson, Geoff McPhersonRecirculating aquaculture systems have a unique anthropogenic-based soundscape which is characterized by the type of equipment utilized, the structural configuration of walls, tanks, equipment, the substrate the tanks are situated on and even the activities of the personnel operating the facility. The soundscape of recirculation facilities is inadequately understood and remains poorly characterized, although it is generally accepted that the dominant sounds found in such facilities are within the hearing range of fish. The objective of this study was to evaluate the soundscape in a recirculating aquaculture facility from an intra-tank perspective and determine how the soundscape is shaped by a range of characteristics within the facility. Sounds were recorded across an operating aquaculture facility including different tank designs. The sounds recorded fell within previously measured pressure level ranges for recirculating systems, with the highest maximum sound pressure level (SPL) recorded at 124 dB re 1 μPa2/Hz (with an FFT bin width of 46.9 Hz, centered at 187.5 Hz). The soundscape within the tanks was stratified and positively correlated with depth, the highest sound pressure occurring at the base of the tanks. Each recording of the soundscape was dominated by a frequency component of 187.5 Hz (corresponding centre of the 4th 46.9 Hz FFT analysis bin) that produced the highest observed SPL. Analysis of sound recordings revealed that this peak SPL was associated with the acoustic signature of the pump. The soundscape was also evaluated for impacts of tank hood position, time of day, transient sounds and airstone particle size types, all of which were found to appreciably influence sound levels and structure within the tank environment. This study further discusses the distinctiveness of the soundscape, how it is shaped by the various operating components and considers the aquaculture soundscape in relation to natural soundscapes found within aquatic tropical environments. © 2009 Elsevier B.V.
Category 3 - Industry and Other Research Income
3Start Page
158End Page
165Number of Pages
ElsevierPublisher DOI
enPeer Reviewed
- Yes
Open Access
- No
Acceptance Date
2009-07-01External Author Affiliations
James Cook University; Northern Fisheries Centre Department of Primary Industries & Fisherie, Qld.Era Eligible
- Yes
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