In the article titled “Australian Pregnant Women’s Awareness
of Gestational Weight Gain and Dietary Guidelines:
Opportunity for Action” [1], there was an error and missing
reference in the first paragraph of Section “2.1. Survey Development,”
where [2] should be added to the article as [44]
and cited in the following statement “The survey instrument
was derived from a multidimensional survey that assessed
women’s dietary adherence to AGHE, attitude,motivation for
dietary change and knowledge of AGHE during pregnancy,
and other recommendations for staying healthy and active
during pregnancy, including the IOM guidelines for GWG
and its management [44].”Meanwhile, the number of survey
items should be 109 instead of 95 in the statement “Thesurvey
also included demographic questions on women’s education,
stage of pregnancy, age, marital status, income, language,
and self-reported prepregnancy BMI. The multidimensional
survey included 95 items and was developed using existing
[24] and validated surveys [16, 23, 25] and newly created
questions appropriate to the purpose of this study.”
Additionally, [36] was incomplete. It should be corrected
as “36. Australian Health Ministers’ Advisory Council.
‘Clinical practice guidelines: Antenatal care—module 2,’
Australian Government Department of Health and Ageing:
Canberra, 2014.”