A democratic prison Therapeutic Community (TC) aims to facilitate
personal growth through enhanced interpersonal relationships.
This study used a four category model of adult attachment to
assess TC offenders’ relationships, obtained from a novel selfreport
method (a card sorting task). Four styles of attachment
were empirically evidenced and an examination of individual
attachment styles pre- and post-twelve months of treatment
revealed a decrease in insecure attachments and an increase in
secure attachment. Burglary/theft/robbery offenders were mainly
fearful-avoidant at time one and preoccupied or secure by time
two; sexual offenders were mostly preoccupied at time one and
hybrid attached by time two; and violent offenders had lower
fearful and preoccupied attachments and higher secure attachment
rates by time two, but also more dismissive attachments. The
findings are encouraging given the role of insecure attachment in
the maintenance of offending behaviour and confirm that attachment
theory can be usefully applied within this setting.