Despite the important contribution of nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) to the community healthcare sector, the building and maintenance of occupational resilience in community health workers has received little attention. However, it is recognized that employees in this sector are exposed to significant stressors from the high demand work environment which negatively impacts on their well-being. Therefore,
this research examined the acceptability, feasibility, and sustainability of a mindful resiliency program by employing a qualitative analysis of participant subjective experience of the program in this cohort. This was the first study to be conducted with senior managers and frontline healthcare providers in the nongovernmental organizations community sector. A 1-month post-delivery qualitative review of the program
identified four major themes: applicability, changes to participant's skills, social support, and coping with COVID-19. A major finding was the ability of the participants to immediately recognize their stress levels and then manage them. Additionally, lessons from the program were shown to be usefully applied with colleagues and clients within the work environment, and with family members.