
Project ISP020-2018: Generation of indicator scores and grades for Cultural Component

posted on 2019-11-20, 00:00 authored by Jeremy De ValckJeremy De Valck
The Gladstone Healthy Harbour Partnership (GHHP) Report Card, first piloted in 2014, represents one of the early initiatives to incorporate social, cultural and economic indicators in an aquatic health report card. In 2016 for the first time the GHHP included indigenous cultural heritage indicators in the annual report card together with sense of place indicators. The indigenous cultural indicators were developed by the firm ‘Terra Rosa’ and the associated R scripts were developed by Pascoe and Venables (2017). The cultural component of the report card consists of two indicator groups, ‘Sense of Place’ and ‘Cultural Heritage’. Terra Rosa have been contracted to collect the relevant data sets for 2018 report card and make further refinements to the indicator framework with particular emphasis on a simplified version of the indicator framework compared to the previous year. Data and draft reports were provided to GHHP in August 2018 as basic material for the present project. This project aims to: I. Generate report card grades and scores for Indigenous Cultural Heritage Indicator in 2018 report card, using the documented methods endorsed by the Independent Science Panel (ISP), II. Refine the existing R scripts to be suitable for 2018 data set, III. Integrate ‘Cultural Heritage’ indicators with the existing aggregation model (in R) and ‘Sense of Place’ indicator group to generate scores and grades at all levels of reporting in the cultural component of the GHHP Report Card and, IV. Provide detailed documentation of tasks performed by scripts. Further information is available from http://ghhp.org.au/report-cards/2018 .


Category 3 - Industry and Other Research Income



Gladstone Healthy Harbour Partnership (GHHP)

Open Access

  • No

Number and size of Dataset

228 files, 56 folders, 45.7 MB