CQUniversity’s Mathematics Learning Centre (MLC) Head, Antony Dekkers, commenced using a Tablet PC in 2003. Initially its use was limited to in-class instruction and the occasional marking of tests. Now the technology enables the development of instructional videos to support bridging mathematics textbooks and undergraduate students. It also facilitates the marking of external tests, the majority of which are submitted, marked and returned electronically, creating almost paperless courses. The use of Tablet PC technology within the MLC has evolved in a way that not only actively engages bridging mathematics students but enhances their learning irrespective of the mode of delivery. This paper provides a brief overview of the preparatory programs offered at CQUniversity; an outline of the history of Tablet PC use by the MLC; and a detailed explanation of how the Tablet PC is currently utilised to enhance the delivery of the suite of mathematics bridging courses offered. It is clearly evident that the MLC has embraced eLearning as a powerful learning and teaching strategy, facilitating the active learning, engagement and subsequent success of bridging mathematics students. As this success is recognised across the university, others are incorporating it into their programs. A rollout of Tablet PCs has recently occurred within Academic Learning Services, with Language and Learning colleagues currently investigating methods of use in their courses. Additionally, the Tablet PC is now being utilised by the Engineering Department – a direct result the successful use of the Tablet PC in the MLC.
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Wellington, New Zealand
Unitec New Zealand
Place of Publication
Auckland, N.Z.
Peer Reviewed
Open Access
External Author Affiliations
Conference; Division of Library and Academic Learning Services; Not affiliated to a Research Institute;
Era Eligible
Name of Conference
Foundation and Bridging Educators New Zealand. Conference