Technology has had a significant impact on the pedagogical practice of academics in the tertiary education sector. For most academics, this has meant a struggle to adapt to potentially different approaches to learning design. At worst, technology has resulted innothing more than the use of traditional methods of learning design in an online environment; delivering content in a seemingly linear way that offers little opportunity to enhance learning and teaching. For others, online facilitation of learning presents opportunities to transform learning into an engaging and authentic experience for thestudent, utilising sometimes unique approaches available only in the online environment.This paper presents findings from a review of courses offered online across a range of disciplines, and particularly focuses on varying approaches to course design and implementation. In particular, the review of these courses and their implementation sought to better understand the roles being played by academics in the design and development of learning in an online environment, through a lens developed by Goodyear, Salmon, Spector, Steeples and Tickner (2001). The findings of the review highlight the importance of a range of competencies for effective design and delivery of online learning. The authors argue that academics may not be the most appropriate individuals to fulfil some of the roles required for the effective design and implementation of online learning.
Category 1 - Australian Competitive Grants (this includes ARC, NHMRC)
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Centre for Educational Development, Nanyang Technological University