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Stormwater pond design for Rockhampton (Queensland) golf course premises

conference contribution
posted on 2017-12-06, 00:00 authored by Fatema Akram, Mohammad RasulMohammad Rasul, Mohammad KhanMohammad Khan, Md Sharif Amir
In recent times, pond has become the most common management practice for the controlling, treating and storing of stormwater runoff. Golf courses provide a unique setting for ponds that provide both an environmental benefit and an aesthetic amenity of golf course premises. A significant body of technical literatures concerning the design and performance of ponds indicates favourable performance of ponds, when they are designed, constructed, and maintained properly. To calculate the volume of pond, careful watershed wide analysis is needed to estimate the peak design runoff. A great deal of consideration is needed to design a safe, cost effective and legal pond. In this study peak design runoff for a delineated subcatchment was calculated from a rainfall runoff model developed by ‘xpstrom’modelling software. Using the runoff coefficient (C) from this model, volume of a golf course pond was calculated using rational method. Intensities corresponding to different rainfall durations were found from Intensity Duration Frequency (IDF)curve, developed by Bureau of Meteorology (BOM) for the study area. Pond volume was calculated considering adequate management of stormwater runoff as well as ensuring availability of enough water for irrigating turf. A typical design of the stormwater pond along with important design aspects of ponds are provided in this paper. However the information contained in this paper does not replace the need to understand the sitespecific design needs, nor does it supersede other requirements, such as applicable regulatory requirements.


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Melbourne, Australia


RMIT University

Place of Publication

Melbourne, Australia

Peer Reviewed

  • Yes

Open Access

  • No

External Author Affiliations

School of Engineering and Technology (2013- ); TBA Research Institute;

Era Eligible

  • Yes

Name of Conference

Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference