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Servant leadership and safety citizenship behavior : examining mediating and moderating processes

conference contribution
posted on 2017-12-06, 00:00 authored by F Walumbwa, S Aryee, Michael Muchiri, Vitale Di MiliaVitale Di Milia, R Cooksey
The purpose of this study is to provide an in-depth understanding of safety behavior by testing a comprehensive model of safety organizational citizenship behavior (OCB). Informed by social learning theory (SLT), we argue that leaders play an active role in fostering safety OCB and examine two pathways through which servant leadership (SL) relates to this form of discretionary work behavior. Using structural equation modeling (χ2 = 229.81; df = 144; p< .05; TLI = .93; CFI = .95; RMR = .03; RMSEA = .06), we found that SL is positively related to safety climate (β = .28, p< .01) and collective efficacy (β = .22, p< .05), controlling for transformational leadership (TFL). We also found that safety climate (β = .34, p< .01) and collective efficacy (β = .46, p< .01) are both positively related to work unit safety OCB. Overall, our results suggest that safety climate and collective efficacy fully mediate the SL-safety OCB relationship. Using moderated hierarchical regression, we found that TFL moderated the positive influence of SL on safety climate (β = .23, p< .01) and collective efficacy (β = .18, p< .05), respectively, such that the influence was stronger when TFL is high than low. The interaction accounted for 5% and 3% increase in explained variance in safety climate and collective efficacy, respectively. Finally, we found that safety climate moderated the collective efficacy-safety OCB relationship (β = .25, p< .01) such that the influence was stronger when safety climate was high than low, accounting for 4% increase in explained variance in safety OCB.


Category 1 - Australian Competitive Grants (this includes ARC, NHMRC)


Start Page


End Page


Number of Pages


Start Date


Finish Date







Boston, Massachusetts, USA


Academy of Management

Place of Publication

New York

Peer Reviewed

  • Yes

Open Access

  • No

External Author Affiliations

Arizona State University, US; TBA Research Institute; University of Aston in Birmingham; University of New England, Australia;

Era Eligible

  • Yes

Name of Conference

Academy of Management. Annual Meeting