This paper investigates how the learning and teaching knowledge created within a course during a course offering can be reused in the future course offering(s). The research adopted a qualitative case study research method. It used survey, observation and documentations as the data collection techniques, as they are best suited to examine and help understand the wider research context of how learning and teaching knowledge generated can be collected and how the stored knowledge can be reused. They also helped examine how knowledge was stored through technology. Knowledge created in a classroom can be effectively reused. The research findings indicate that the instructors (e.g. the course coordinators) will need to be familiar with what technology (like a learning management system) can do and help collect the usable learning and teaching knowledge for reuse. The instructors however have to selectively reuse the appropriate stored knowledge. They also have to plan ahead before a course offering starts what types of stored knowledge are to be reused. Knowledge reuse is made so simple and easy when the instructor/ course coordinator has the ‘know-why’, ‘know-how’, ‘know-when’, ‘know-where’ and ‘know-what’ to make successful learning and teaching happen.
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Conference Proceedings of the IETEC’13 Conference, University of Technical Education, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, 3 - 6 November.
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University of Technical Education, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam