Rapid charging energy storage system for a hybrid freight locomotive
conference contribution
posted on 2021-04-08, 06:29 authored by Maksym SpiryaginMaksym Spiryagin, Peter WolfsPeter Wolfs, Qing WuQing Wu, Christopher BosomworthChristopher Bosomworth, Colin ColeColin Cole, Timothy McsweeneyTimothy McsweeneyThis paper examines whether rapid charging technology could enable implementation in a hybrid freight locomotive design and how it might benefit the existing freight train operation scenarios. In the study, a hybrid locomotive design with rapid charging technology has been proposed and implemented with the application of advanced simulation techniques used in recent locomotive/train/track damage studies. The detailed hybrid locomotive model includes multibody subsystems for the locomotive mechanical system and a traction power system including a full battery pack model with an ESS (Energy Storage System) control algorithm implemented in the Matlab/Simulink software package. For the train performance study, the traction effort and dynamic braking characteristics obtained from the hybrid locomotive model have been incorporated into an in-house train dynamics package for the analysis of locomotive performance, infrastructure requirements and economics under a realistic operational study. © 2020 ASME
Start Page
V001T02A002-1End Page
V001T02A002-6Number of Pages
6Start Date
2020-04-20Finish Date
St Louis, MOPublisher
The American Society of Mechanical EngineersPlace of Publication
OnlinePublisher DOI
Full Text URL
Peer Reviewed
- Yes
Open Access
- No
Author Research Institute
- Centre for Railway Engineering
Era Eligible
- Yes
Name of Conference
2020 Joint Rail ConferenceParent Title
Proceedings of the 2020 Joint Rail ConferenceUsage metrics
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