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Optimizing clustering to promote data diversity when generating an ensemble classifier

conference contribution
posted on 2019-03-27, 00:00 authored by Muhammad Zohaib JanMuhammad Zohaib Jan, Brijesh Verma, Samuel Fletcher
In this paper, we propose a method to generate an optimized ensemble classifier. In the proposed method, a diverse input space is created by clustering training data incrementally within a cycle. A cycle is one complete round that includes clustering, training, and error calculation. In each cycle, a random upper bound of clustering is chosen and data clusters are generated. A set of heterogeneous classifiers are trained on all generated clusters to promote structural diversity. An ensemble classifier is formed in each cycle and generalization error of that ensemble is calculated. This process is optimized to find the set of classifiers which can have the lowest generalization error. The process of optimization terminates when generalization error can no longer be minimized. The cycle with the lowest error is then selected and all trained classifiers of that particular cycle are passed to the next stage. Any classifier having lower accuracy than the average accuracy of the pool is discarded, and the remaining classifiers form the proposed ensemble classifier. The proposed ensemble classifier is tested on classification benchmark datasets from UCI repository. The results are compared with existing state-of-the-art ensemble classifier methods including Bagging and Boosting. It is demonstrated that the proposed ensemble classifier performs better than the existing ensemble methods. © 2018 Association for Computing Machinery.


Category 1 - Australian Competitive Grants (this includes ARC, NHMRC)



Aguirre H; Takadama K

Start Page


End Page


Number of Pages


Start Date


Finish Date





Kyoto, Japan


Association for Computer Machinery

Place of Publication

New York, NY

Peer Reviewed

  • Yes

Open Access

  • No

Author Research Institute

  • Centre for Intelligent Systems

Era Eligible

  • Yes

Name of Conference

The Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference