Caring for the ageing person should be based on a holistic approach. Health care professionals have the opportunity to role model such an approach to novice undergraduate students who undertake their clinical placements in the aged care context. The role modeling however starts with educators in the tertiary sector teaching students the fundamental skills of appreciating the person as a whole and understanding their story. In 2010 Dr Kerry Reid-Searl, pioneered an innovative simulation technique in the undergraduate nursing program at CQUniversity which would see students appreciating the whole person from a first year first term level. The technique- now termed as Mask Ed (KRS simulation) has proven to engage learners and promote reflection beyond the simulation experience. This presentation showcased the Mask Ed simulation technique followed by an explanation of the pedagogy. The presentation also provided evidence as to the success of the technique. Most importantly however, the audience were shown how undergraduate nursing students, through simulation, can gain an insight caring for the aged person.
Parent Title
RBWH Hospital in the Nursing Home Aged Care Conference.
Start Page
End Page
Number of Pages
Start Date
Finish Date
Royal Brisbane and Women's Hospital, Brisbane
Royal Brisbane Women's Hospital
Place of Publication
Brisbane, Qld.
Peer Reviewed
Open Access
External Author Affiliations
Faculty of Sciences, Engineering and Health; Institute for Health and Social Science Research (IHSSR); Learning and Teaching Education Research Centre (LTERC);
Era Eligible
Name of Conference
RBWH Hospital in the Nursing Home Aged Care Conference