HWA Health Workforce Academy Virtual Health Workforce Academy Conference 2021. Beyond the research: Impact and translation to practice. Title Index
Peer reviewed title and author list presented at the HWA Health Workforce Academy Virtual Health workforce Academy Conference 2021. Beyond the research: Impact and translation to practice.
"The effectiveness of trauma care systems at different stages of development in reducing mortality: a systematic review and meta-analysis protocol." Author/s - Alharbi R J; Lewis V; Shrestha S; Miller C - La Trobe University, School of Nursing & Midwifery
"Limits to local-led innovation in rural health systems: exploring the ‘other side’ of responses to covid19 in Australia, Sweden, Canada and the United States of America." Author/s - Carson D.B - Central Queensland University, Australia; Petrie S - Carleton University, Canada.
“What now?: Exploring the emergency healthcare response to domestic violence” A Grounded Theory Study within Regional Queensland Hospitals." Author/s - Dr. Shannon Dhollande & Professor Annabel Taylor - Central Queensland University, School of Nursing, Midwifery & Social Sciences, Associate Professor Silke Meyers - Monash University, Gender and Family Violence Prevention Centre, Dr. Mark Scot - Queensland Health, Metro North HHS, Caboolture Emergency Department
"In or Out: Conducting cross-disciplinary research in three countries during COVID-19."
Author/s - Kaphle, S & Preston, R - Central Queensland University, School of Health, Medical and Applied Sciences
"From problem gambling to gambling problems: The assessment and measurement of gambling related harm." Author/s - Rawat V; Browne M - Central Queensland University, School of Health, Medical and Applied Sciences
"The interpersonal and communication skills of care providers from the perspective of older patients’ with diabetes: Lithuanian case." Author/s - Bartkeviciute B & Prof. Lesauskaite V - Lithuanian University of Health Sciences, Lithuania (LUHS), Faculty of Nursing, Clinical Department of Geriatrics. Prof. Riklikiene O - Lithuanian University of Health Sciences, Faculty of Nursing, Nursing and care department
"What are the experiences of Registered Nurses working in Residential Aged Care Facilities." Author/s - Channell P & Harvey C - Central Queensland University, School of Nursing, Midwifery & Social Sciences, De Bellis A - Flinders University, Adelaide.
"Understanding Aged Care Workforce arrangements - a research agenda." Author/s - Colley, L, Amarakoon, U & Khan, S - Central Queensland University, School of Business and Law
"Stress of conscience among nurses caring of older people with delirium in hospitals." Author/s - Jokwiro, Y; Bish, M - Rural Department of Nursing and Midwifery, La Trobe Rural Health School, La Trobe University. Wilson E - Rural Department of Community Health, La Trobe Rural Health School, La Trobe University.
"Giving families a voice: it's only after you visit them that you discover things are going wrong." Author/s - Monson, A, Harvey, C & Baldwin, A - CQUniversity, School of Nursing, Midwifery and Social Sciences
"Research into the continued use of restraint in Residential Aged Care Facilities." Author/s - Mulvogue J - Central Queensland University, School of Nursing, Midwifery and Social Sciences
"Exploring the Impact of Employee Wellbeing on the Quality of Care Services in the Australian Aged Care Sector." Author/s -Perera A - Central Queensland University, School of Business and Law, Management and Commerce, Khan S.I - Central Queensland University, School of Business and Law, Business and Management, Amarakoon U - Central Queensland University, School of Business and Law, Human Resource Management
"Healthcare educators assuming simulated patient roles in practice: A grounded theory study." Author/s - Rhodes J - Central Queensland University, School of Nursing, Midwifery and Social Sciences; Southern Institute of Technology, School of Nursing. Reid-Searl K - Central Queensland University, School of Nursing, Midwifery and Social Sciences. Baldwin A - Central Queensland University, School of Nursing, Midwifery and Social Sciences. Levett-Jones T - University of Technology Sydney, School of Nursing and Midwifery.
"Assessing student paramedics measurements of fatigue and quality of CPR on a simulated cardiac arrest case: A pilot study." Author/s - Weber A - Central Queensland University, School of Business and Law, Delport S; Delport A - Central Queensland University, School of Health, Medical and Applied Sciences
"The Efficacy of Near Peer Teaching in paramedicine education: A literature Review." Author/s - Steve Whitfield - Griffith University School of Medicine (paramedicine)
"Spiritual quality of life and well-being of paediatric patients: is a holistic care a declaration or reality?" Author/s - Juskauskiene E & Riklikiene O - Lithuanian University of Health Sciences, Faculty of Nursing, Department of Nursing and Care
"Intercultural teaching, clinical practice and research experience in Australian Indigenous health. An Auto-ethnography." Author/s - Monica Lawrence - Flinders University of South Australia
"The cultural approach towards advanced care planning in Japan: Policy recommendation." Author/s - Yumi Naito - Flinders University, College of Nursing and Health Sciences
"Association of spiritual well-being with the healthy behavior in pregnancy." Author/s - Ruseckiene D - Lithuanian University of Health Sciences, Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Riklikiene O - Lithuanian University of Health Sciences, Faculty of Nursing and Care.
"Applying Critical Discourse Analysis to Nursing Research." Author/s - Amy-Louise Byrne - Central Queensland University, School of Nursing, Midwifery and Social Science
"Midwives and nurses use of early warning tools in hospital settings." Author/s - Ferguson B – Central Queensland University
"Exploration of Experiences of Self-Management of a person living with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease: A Structured Literature Review." Author/s - McGoldrick C, Bradshaw J & Williamson M - Central Queensland University; Hendricks J
"The influence of the move from fee-for-service payments to bundle payments on the role of the practice nurse." Author/s - Claire Verrall - Flinders University of South Australia College of Nursing and Midwifery
"Planning for change: improving the use of sensory interventions in psychiatric units through knowledge translation models and frameworks." Author/s - L. Wright - School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences, The University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia P. Meredith - School of Health, Medical and Applied Sciences, Central Queensland University, Rockhampton, Australia S. Bennett - The Prince Charles Hospital, Metro North Mental Health Hospital and Health Services, Brisbane, Australia
"Representation of acquired disabilities within disability employment research and policy: a literature review of models and their translation to service delivery practices." Author/s - Alan Zana - Central Queensland University, School of Nursing, Midwifery and Social Sciences
Start Page
1End Page
45Number of Pages
45Start Date
2021-04-20Finish Date
CQUniversityPlace of Publication
Rockhampton, QueenslandPeer Reviewed
- Yes
Open Access
- Yes
Parent Title
HWA Health Workforce Academy Virtual Health Workforce Academy Conference 2021. Beyond the research: Impact and translation to practice. Conference ProgramUsage metrics
- Aged care nursing
- Aged health care
- Primary health care
- Preventative health care
- Public health not elsewhere classified
- Nursing not elsewhere classified
- Midwifery not elsewhere classified
- Other health sciences not elsewhere classified
- Health promotion
- Health and community services
- Health care administration
- Family care
- Acute care
- Sub-acute care