This case study is part of a wider project that concentrates on people with a disability who travel. A case study approach was selected to underline explicit areas for one of the tourists, and to examine how she emboldened herself through travel. Research was carried out to permit the subjective voice of the participant to recount her own narrative, through which the negotiation of her social self and travel identity were apparent. The participant confronted questions of mobility and access, and as a result handled numerous trials in travelling overseas, including issues with air travel, accommodation, land transport and personal safety issues. The research shows that the participant is empowered by the establishment of her two most meaningful and unique human competencies: conceptualising the wider world, and managing choices about how to travel in it.
Wilson E; Witsel M
Parent Title
CAUTHE 2015: Rising Tides and Sea Changes : adaptation and innovation in tourism and hospitality : Proceedings of the 25th Annual CAUTHE Conference, 2-5 February 2015, Gold Coast, Australia