Effective stability improvement of multi-microgrids assisted diversified wind energy resources
conference contribution
posted on 2024-07-09, 02:22authored byMN Naz, A Samad, Narottam DasNarottam Das, S Imtiaz, MW Altaf
Instability of multi-microgrids is a challenging issue for sustainable power delivery. Wind is considered as a renewable energy resource which has abundant intermittencies. Voltage and frequency instability occur due to sudden load changing, real time power switching and intermittencies due to different weather conditions. The instability of one wind turbine overloaded the other wind turbines to fulfill the demand of load which ultimately impact the other turbines being a part of that micro-grid. Instability of multi-microgrids becomes more worst at islanding mode of existing power grid. In this article, voltage and frequency stability of multi-microgrids assisted diversified wind energy resources is improved effectively. A scheme has been developed which ensure frequency and voltage stability of multi-microgrids assisted diversified wind energy resources by effectively utilizing Static Synchronous Compensator (STATCOM) controller scheme with battery energy storage system which overcomes the steady and transient state instability issues. Proposed scheme will be analysed at both general and islanding mode of existing power grid. A system test model is implemented in simulink to analyse the proposed solutions of different mentioned problems.