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Deterioration in undergraduate student quality and institutional pressures : disincentives in becoming accounting academics?

conference contribution
posted on 2017-12-06, 00:00 authored by Natasja Steenkamp, Roslyn Roberts
Purpose: To ascertain if the quality of undergraduate students and institutional pressures are hindering the attractiveness of accounting academia and are potential disincentives in becoming accounting academics. Design/methodology/approach: An on-line survey was sent to accounting academics at 39 Australian universities to investigate participants’ perceptions about (a) the deterioration in the quality of undergraduate students and (b) institutional pressure, and the impact of these two issues on respondents, their jobs, and ultimately on accounting academia as a career. Findings: The majority believe the quality of undergraduate students has deteriorated and 92.22% indicated workload pressure increased over the past five years. Many experience increased frustration, disillusionment, and struggle with workload. Pressures relate to achieving higher pass rates, performing non-academic tasks, treating students as clients, increased student retention, publications, and securing grants and research funding. The source of ongoing pressure appears to be overwhelmingly from senior management. The majority is not actively seeking to change their jobs and leaving academia, but believe it is not a good time to aspire an academic career in accounting.


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RMIT University

Place of Publication

Melbourne, Vic

Peer Reviewed

  • No

Open Access

  • No

External Author Affiliations

Henderson State University; Institute for Resource Industries and Sustainability (IRIS); School of Business and Law (2013- );

Era Eligible

  • No

Name of Conference

RMIT Accounting Educators' Conference