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Assessment and intrinsic motivation

conference contribution
posted on 2017-12-06, 00:00 authored by Martin TurnerMartin Turner, R Baskerville
Don’t ask [the teacher] what he wants. [The teacher] doesn’t want anything, instead ask yourself: ‘What do I want?’ StudentThere is evidence a large proportion of accounting students experience extrinsic motivation when studying accounting at university, which has a strong relationship to surface learning. The experience of intrinsic motivation is a necessary precondition for students to experience deep learning. This study examines how to use assessment to support accounting students to experience intrinsic motivation. A sample of 81 students in a third year undergraduate accounting course was studied employing a phenomenographic research approach, using 10 assessed learning tasks for each student (as well as a focus group and student surveys) to measure their experience of how they learn. A key finding is that it is possible to support a large proportion of students to experience intrinsic motivation through use of assessed learning tasks (as part of an integrated set of interventions) that are individualised (different for each student), authentic (involve the real world), include regular formative feedback and generally do not have ‘right’ answers but involve the use of personal judgement. Assessment design can support students to experience change in motivation and thus significantly impact learner outcomes.


Parent Title

Symposium on Assessment and Learner Outcomes, Victoria University of Wellington, Wellington New Zealand, 1-3 September 2011.

Start Date



Victoria University of Wellington, Wellington, New Zealand



Place of Publication


Peer Reviewed

  • No

Open Access

  • No

External Author Affiliations

Faculty of Arts, Business, Informatics and Education; Learning and Teaching Education Research Centre (LTERC); Victoria University of Wellington;

Era Eligible

  • No

Name of Conference

Symposium on Assessment and Learner Outcomes