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Adapting and implementing the SCALE-UP approach in statics, dynamics, and multivariable calculus

conference contribution
posted on 2017-12-06, 00:00 authored by L Benson, S Biggers, W Moss, Matthew Ohland, M Orr, S Schiff
Our team seeks to deliver more effective statics, dynamics, and multivariable calculus instruction through active, student-centered courses and integrated course curricula. These courses were transformed to an inquiry, collaborative learning approach, and were assessed using a mixed method approach. Student performance in the courses and in follow-on courses have been used to measure improvements in concept retention. Conceptual tests (Statics and Dynamics Concept Inventories) were administered before and after each semester of the project, and normalized gains were compared with those for traditional learning environments wherever possible. Improvements in statics concept comprehension and course performance indicators demonstrate the project's success. Learning activities for the statics-dynamics courses integrated material from multivariable calculus, and vice-versa, which is unique and beneficial. Students are selecting courses taught in our student-centered environment over traditional formats, as they gain a reputation as being more challenging yet rewarding courses. Classroom renovations to accommodate active and cooperative learning through studio environments have been completed in seven classrooms at our institution (Clemson University), indicating administrative support for these pedagogical innovations, and faculty willingness to practice active learning in studio environments.


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Number of Pages


Start Date





Austin, Texas


American Society for Engineering Education

Place of Publication

Washington D.C.

Peer Reviewed

  • Yes

Open Access

  • No

External Author Affiliations

Clemson University; Conference; Not affiliated to a Research Institute; Purdue University;

Era Eligible

  • Yes

Name of Conference

American Society for Engineering Education. Conference