A comparative study of engine performance and emission characteristics of biodiesels produced from the waste seeds of papaya and stone fruit
conference contribution
posted on 2020-06-18, 00:00 authored by Mohammad Anwar, Mohammad RasulMohammad Rasul, Nanjappa AshwathThis paper investigates the engine performance and emission characteristics of the biodiesels synthesised from papaya seed oil (PSO), stone fruit kernel oil (SFO) blends using a diesel engine. All experiments were carried out at full load condition with different engine speeds ranging from 1200 rpm to 2400 rpm at an interval of 200 rpm. Diesel (100%) and its four blends such as 10% biodiesel with 90% diesel (PSO10, SFO10), and 20% biodiesel with 80% diesel (PSO20, SFO20) were considered for comparative analysis. Engine performance results showed that the SFO biodiesel blends differed marginally (0.6% Brake Power (BP), 0.3% torque, 3% Brake thermal efficiency (BTE) and 2.3% Brake specific fuel consumption (BSFC) from PSO biodiesel blends. However, SFO biodiesel blends produced higher exhaust emissions than PSO biodiesel blends, in the order of 2.1%NOx, 3%PM, 10.1%HC, 5.4%CO2, and 13.3%CO. Both biodiesel blends produced considerably reduced emissions of PM (max. 34%), HC (max. 33%), and CO (max. 31%) as compared to diesel, while a slight in NOx (max. 6.8%) and CO2 (max. 8.7%) was observed. These results demonstrate that both SFO and PSO could be effectively used in a diesel engine without any modifications. © 2019 IEEE.
Start Page
172End Page
176Number of Pages
5Start Date
2019-11-02Finish Date
Toronto, ON., CanadaPublisher
IEEEPlace of Publication
Piscataway, NJPublisher DOI
Full Text URL
Peer Reviewed
- Yes
Open Access
- No
Era Eligible
- Yes
Name of Conference
2019 IEEE 2nd International Conference on Renewable Energy and Power EngineeringUsage metrics
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