The Triple P training model has been carefully developed to maintain the fidelity of the program, that is, to maximize the probability that the suite of programs delivered to parents globally closely matches those described and evaluated in the research literature. Three main areas of challenge are discussed: the recruitment, training, and support of Triple P trainers; the development, revision, and quality management of the training courses offered to practitioners; and the development, revision, and quality control of the resources provided to practitioners to support their delivery of the programs. Additional challenges are discussed, including adapting training protocols to changes in the workforce, ensuring practitioners maintain delivery fidelity over time, and exploring opportunities provided by developments in technology, particularly the potential for online training.
This research output may contain the names and images of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people now deceased. We apologize for any distress that may occur.
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The power of positive parenting: Transforming the lives of children, parents, and communities using the Triple P system