
The ways of speaking and the means of knowing: The Tariana of northwest Amazonia

posted on 2022-01-24, 00:12 authored by Alexandra AikhenvaldAlexandra Aikhenvald
Tariana is an Arawak language spoken by about a hundred people in the Vaupés River Basin linguistic area in Brazil. A number of grammatical features reflect specific traits of the ways the people live. Manipulating genders correlates with the status of women: a respected and knowledgeable woman can be referred to with nonfeminine gender, as if 'promoted' to manhood. Classifiers occur in multiple environments, including number words, demonstratives, adjectives, and possessive constructions. Classifiers with specific semantics reflect riverine environment, taxonomic categorization of plants, and means of subsistence. Five evidentials obligatorily mark information source. Their use correlates with the requirement to be precise in stating how one knows things, and in the types of access to information. Nonvisual evidentials are used in talking about the feelings, physical states and uncontrolled actions of oneself and one’s core family members. Speakers are aware of the meanings and the uses of evidential, and are prepared to discuss and explain them. Evidentials are sensitive to technological changes, as they adjust to new ways of acquiring information. Evidentials and classifiers are shared across the multilingual area of the Vaupés River Basin. Contact between speakers of adjacent languages appear to have shaped the speakers’ interaction patterns and the associated language features. In contrast, gender manipulation is being lost by younger speakers, as the status of women undergoes transformations.


Category 1 - Australian Competitive Grants (this includes ARC, NHMRC)



Aikhenvald AY; Dixon RMW; Jarkey N

Start Page


End Page


Number of Pages





Oxford University Press

Place of Publication

Oxford, UK

Peer Reviewed

  • Yes

Open Access

  • No

Author Research Institute

  • Centre for Indigenous Health Equity Research

Era Eligible

  • Yes

Chapter Number


Number of Chapters


Parent Title

The integration of language and society: A cross-linguistic typology