Bullying as a repeated abuse of power in young people has often been
studied from the psychological or individual student standpoint of the
roles taken by the perpetrator, victim bully-victim, and bystander. In this
chapter, however, we want to present a new perspective – one that fore-
grounds bullying as a social practice embedded in cultural values and
MLA 9th Edition (Modern Language Assoc.)
Peter K. Smith, et al. Bullying, Cyberbullying and Student Well-Being in Schools : Comparing European, Australian and Indian Perspectives. Cambridge University Press, 2018.
APA 7th Edition (American Psychological Assoc.)
Peter K. Smith, Suresh Sundaram, Barbara A. Spears, Catherine Blaya, Mechthild Schäfer, & Damanjit Sandhu. (2018). Bullying, Cyberbullying and Student Well-Being in Schools : Comparing European, Australian and Indian Perspectives. Cambridge University Press.
Smith PK; Sundaram S; Spears BA; Blaya C; Schafer M; Sandhu D