This chapter examines the applications of nanomaterials onto electrochemical sensors for nutrient-N species in the literature over the last 5 years. The chapter starts by discussing the two central bottom-to-top and top-to-bottom tenets to nanostructure synthesis. It then examines the use of nanomaterials in general chemical analyses, followed by reaction kinetics. In chemical catalysis, nanomaterials that have been used in several forms (e.g., as metals, metal oxides, and nanocomposites) are discussed, and this is where electrochemical sensing is covered as an application of surface catalysis. The chapter also includes reviewing recent works based on nano-polymers and nano-sized biomaterials. An analysis of the reviewed works is included as a general discussion, followed by an appraisal of current challenges. The chapter concludes with a projection of the future based on current nanotechnology trends where we focus on the likely benefits that are yet to be realized in nanotechnology, particularly in the novel area of consumer and citizen science.