posted on 2018-08-23, 00:00authored byWendy Hillman
Foreward by Wendy Hillman
Given the civil unrest that has been predominant throughout Nepal, particularly during the “People’s War” (1996-2006), this monograph on the aftermath and interventions by the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (Nepal) is timely. While the debate over the Nepali Constitution and the role of government continues, it is important to gain an objective understanding of the events, struggles and injustices visited upon Nepali citizens during their nation’s time of crisis. In contemporary times there has been mounting attention paid to mass cruelties such as widespread extermination, war illegalities, crimes against humankind and other uncivilized human rights defilements. Simultaneously, there has been a considerable progression in the number of scholars and academics seeking to suggest the origins of, and submit pragmatic resolutions to, these barbarisms. Yet there continues to be deficient dialogue about the realistic and moral questions encompassing research into severe maltreatments of individuals, and dealing with susceptible populations.
This book brings together case studies from three African nations, taking a strong and oftentimes challenging stance on the causes and consequences on each of their civil wars, functions of their Truth and Reconciliation Commissions; and, a comparison of the strengths and weaknesses of each of their Truth and Reconciliation Commissions. With the United Nations establishment of “Rule of Law Tools for Post-Conflict States: Truth Commissions”, a way forward for each of these countries was attained. In the case of Nepal, the slow establishment and slow functioning of their Truth and Reconciliation Commission, mandates, progress till date, and criticisms regarding slow functioning, are examined. These comprehensive chapters provide insights into the final chapter, where recommendations are made to the Nepali Truth and Reconciliation Commission, emanating from the study of the of three African cases for the establishment peace. This monograph addresses the human rights violations committed in Nepal and provides a way forward for victims as well as perpetrators; and suggests ways in which they can move forward together.
Wendy Hillman PhD, MSocSc, GCE(TT), BA(Hons)
Central Queensland University, Rockhampton, Australia
Thapa S; Cottle D
Parent Title
People's war and aftermath Nepal: The role of Truth and Reconciliation Commission (with case studies of Liberia, Sierra Leone and South Africa)