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Bumps' in the road of life : a case study of disability and travel

posted on 2017-12-06, 00:00 authored by Wendy HillmanWendy Hillman
This case study is part of a larger project that focuses on people with a disability who travel. Research was undertaken to allow the subjective voice of the participant to relate her own narrative, through which the negotiation of her social self, cultural traditions and identity where evident. A case study approach was chosen to highlight positive areas for the client, to investigate how she set new goals, developed resilience, improved her strengths and social support networks; and how she empowered herself through travel. The participant faces issues of mobility and access, and as a result has faced numerous challenges in travelling overseas, including issues with air travel, accommodation, land transport and personal safety issues. Beginning from the client’s position, and not from the position of theory, builds on each client’s successes and lived experiences. Many clients survive even under constraints of great adversity. A strengths approach is used as the analytical framework, which shows that the research participant is empowered by the creation of a context that requires her to utilise her two most significant and distinctive human capabilities: conceptualising her own world, and making choices about how to inhabit it.



Pulla V; Chenoweth L; Francis A; Bakaj S

Parent Title

Papers in strengths based practice

Start Page


End Page


Number of Pages





Allied Publishers

Place of Publication

New Delhi, India

Open Access

  • No

External Author Affiliations

Faculty of Sciences, Engineering and Health; Institute for Health and Social Science Research (IHSSR);

Era Eligible

  • Yes

Number of Chapters