Central Queensland University (CQU) is different from most Australian universities. From the 1980s, its engagement with and commitment to international education extended across CQU’s faculties and courses, bringing vast change in two decades. This chapter identifies the various stages of CQU’s international education activity and determines both the motives and outcomes of a range of activities on- and offshore. To what extent were the motives for its unprecedented expansion in the later 1990s driven by limited access to domestic students and funding? What kinds of education was it in a position to provide? The resulting contextual analysis of the advantages and vagaries of international education at CQU is based upon a close study of the paper-based and online records over the period in question.
Category 1 - Australian Competitive Grants (this includes ARC, NHMRC)
McConachie J; Harreveld B; Luck J; Nouwens F; Danaher PA