This bibliography was submitted as an F.L.A. thesis in September 1979 and accepted by the Library Association (U.K.) in March 1980. Some minor revisions have been made to the original thesis and a list of addenda supplied.
The period covered by the bibliography is from the arrival of the first Europeans in the area in 1853 t o the end of 1975. Thus the pre-separation period, 1853-1859, and the colonial period, 1860-1901, are included. It contains published and unpublished items, newspaper and periodical articles and cuttings, parliamentary papers, pictorial matter, maps, and films. Material produced after the end of 1975 is excluded. I have also had to exclude the three government archives collections which have custody of the records of their government departments and agencies. The New South Wales Archives Office, Sydney, holds most of
the records for the period 1853-1859, when New South Wales
administered the area. Queensland State Archives , Brisbane, holds records from 1860 of the Queensland colonial and later state governments, and some records f o r t h e period 1853-1859 relating to settlement, land survey and exploration. Australian Archives, Brisbane and Canberra, holds records of the Commonwealth Government since Federation in 1901.
The area covered is as follows: the City of Rockhampton with its suburbs and environs t o a radius of 30 kilometres in detail ; industry to a radius of 80 kilometres (thus the mining and pastoral industries which govern the city s economy are included) Certain headings such as COMMUNICATIONS and EXPLORING EXPEDITIONS have a wider connotation. In December 1975, when preparing my thesis proposal, I enquired at the John Oxley Library and the Fryer Library as t o the desirability of compiling a bibliography of Rockhampton and District
with a defined district , and agreed to confine it to the City of Rockhampton, as at that time a bibliography on central Queensland was in preparation in Brisbane.
Category 1 - Australian Competitive Grants (this includes ARC, NHMRC)